#AtHomeWith Session 09
At Home With
Bovey Lee
Los Angeles, USA
Posted on 19 June 2020
How different is your day now working at home now as an artist?
I’ve always worked from home, so it’s not a huge adjustment. However, home quarantine feels pretty extreme even for me. Instead of spending most of my days on cut paper, I’ve been collaborating with various platforms on digital projects. I like the shift from the intense introspection of creating my own work to reach out to the wider community. It feels like I’m still part of the world.
The first thing I did when lockdown in Los Angeles was announced.
The first thing I did was setting up a home gym. I love to lift weights. It’s impossible to have the same intense workouts at home though. But I make it work! I also walk in the neighborhood park in the afternoon.
What’s on your music playlist, movie or reading list?
Reading List:
If God Invented Baseball by E. Ethelbert Miller
Advice from the Lights by Stephanie Burt
Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell
Relational Mindfulness by Deborah Eden Tull
An Eames Primer by Eames Demetrios
Paradise by Toni Morrison
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
Fiber Fueled by Bill Bulsiewicz, MD
Podcasts List:
The Psychology Podcast with Scott Barry Kaufman
Unlocking Us with Brene Brown
Ted Talks Daily
The Doctor’s Farmacy with Mark Hyman, MD
Brave New World with Brian Alfred
The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos
Super Soul Conversations with Oprah Winfrey
The Tim Ferriss Show
Have you taken up any new projects, like a new hobby? Or picked up an old project.
I’ve been taking several online courses: positive psychology, Buddhism, and contract law. My favorite is Contract Law! Surprisingly, the professor presents his lectures and case studies with many artworks.
A recipe you might like to share?
I have twice postponed returning to Hong Kong, my native city. It’s been three years. Out of homesickness for Hong Kong, I bought an egg waffle machine. The egg-shaped bubble waffle is a one of my all-time favourite street food. It’s so much fun to eat and easy to make. It’s not really a recipe per se because everyone knows how to make pancakes. So just pour the pancake batter into the lightly greased mold. Flip the machine over and Voilà! For fancier waffle mix, I add matcha or peanut butter/cacao powder. Berries, ice cream, dark chocolate chips, or adzuki bean paste are my go-to toppings.
A quote that has struck you particularly during this time.
“Relationship is the foundation of dialogue” - Dr. Vivek Murthy, Former US Surgeon General
Politics and policies are necessary. But it’s a relationship that fosters understanding, connection and empathy. We need to get to know and talk to one another on a personal level.
What’s the first thing you will want to do the minute the lockdown ends?
I want to sit on the beach and listen to the Pacific Ocean.
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